Sunday 4 January 2015

This week in Victorian Cwmbran

1st January 1879, the workers at the Patent Nut and Bolt Works greeted the new year with a ten percent reduction in their wages.
Meanwhile the custom of Watch Night, watching the old year out and the new one in, was observed on the last night of the year at Cwmbran Wesleyan Chapel and although the weather was extremely boisterous many people attended the service.

Source - Pontypool Free Press - 4th January 1879

On the 2nd January 1864 , at the Pontnewydd Inn, an inquest was held on the body of Mary Jones, an elderly female.  It appeared she had left the home of her son, with whom she lived, at about six o clock and around ten o clock the same night her body was discovered in a lifeless condition, in the canal.  Two lockmen, William Edwards and Charles Edwards, pulled her out but attempts to revive her failed.  It is believed she accidentally slipped into the canal in the darkness and so the jury returned a verdict of 'Found Drowned', in the absence of any witnesses to the event.

Source - Monmouthshire Merlin - 9 January 1864

On 6th January it was reported that James Jones, a haulier employed by Mrs Williams of Cwmbran, was loading coal into a cart from a railway truck when the horse took fright and bolted.  Jones was thrown violently to the ground, and falling on his head he fractured his skull and seriously injured his hand.  He was conveyed by train to Newport and removed to the Infirmary where his thumb was amputated.

Source - Pontypool Free Press 6 January 1893

On 7th January 1882, Harry Trace was summoned for unlawfully leaving his work at the Patent Nut and Bolt Factory.  Defendant, whose job was 'catcher of rolls' was charged with neglecting his work causing a loss of 40 shillings.  Mr Trace did not appear and a fine of 20 shillings plus costs was made against him.

Source - Cardiff Times - 7 January 1882

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